B.Sc., Fisheries, Emphasis in Fish Culture and Water Quality, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
M.Sc., Fisheries, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Ph. D., Fisheries, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Research program addressing production and marketing issues facing the aquaculture industry relevant to small farmers in the state of Kentucky and the region. Conduct research on the use of domestic wastewater in aquaculture production, holding systems for food fish, and culture of paddlefish in privately owned and managed reservoirs.
Fish Morphology/Physiology (AQU 412/AQU 512)
Selected Publications
Love, David C., J. P. Fry, X. Li, E. S. Hill, L. Genello, K. Semmens R. E. Thompson, 2015. Commercial Aquaponics Production and Profitability: Findings from an International Survey. Aquaculture 435: 67-74.
Love, David C., J. Fry, L. Genello, E. S. Hill, J. A. Frederick, X. Li, K. Semmens, 2014. An International Survey of Aquaponics Practitioners, PLoS ONE 9(7): e102662. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102662.
Semmens, K.J., and Jacobs J.J. 2014. Sustainable Aquaculture Using Treated and Untreated Water from Coal Mines. Chapter 4.8 in Handbook of Acid Mine Drainage, Rock Drainage and Acid Sulfate Soils authored/edited by JA Jacobs, JH Lehr, and SM Testa. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ.
Fizer, E., D. D. Gray, and K. J. Semmens, 2013. Effect of screens on the turbulent flow in the quiescent zone of a rectangular aquaculture raceway. Aquacultural Engineering 57 (2013) 48-53.
Pierskalla, C., R. Ramthun, A. Collins, and K. Semmens, 2013. The Discriminant Validity of Event Quality and Quantity: An Evaluation of Fishing Experiences. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18:234-235.
Semmens, K., and M. Ferrell, 2013. Combination of Methods for Waste Management in a Serial Reuse Spring Fed Flowing Water System for Production of Trout. Abstract, Aquaculture America 2013, February 21-25, 2013, Nashville, TN.
Hartman, K.J., J.W. Howell, and K. Semmens, 2012. Habitat Use, Survival and Site Fidelity of Rainbow Trout Stocked into an Appalachian River. Journal of Applied Aquaculture. 24: 299-315.
Simmons, C.A., P. Turk, S. Beamer, J. Jaczynski, K. Semmens, and K.E. Matak, 2011. The Effect of a Flaxseed Oil-Enhanced Diet on the Product Quality of Farmed Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Fillets. JFS V. 76(3), 192-197.
Buzby, K. M., T. West, X. Wei, and K. Semmens. 2010. Integration of Aquaponics into a Flow-through Fish Culture System Improves Water Quality. Abstract and Poster. American Fisheries Society 2010 Annual Meeting, 9/13-16, Pittsburgh PA.
Palmatory, T.K., T.P. West, K.M. Buzby, X. Wei, and K. Semmens, 2010. Evaluation of Aquaponic Crop Production Utilizing Effluent from a Flow-through Aquaculture Raceway System. Aquaculture 2010 Book of Abstracts, pg 751. World Aquaculture Society, 3/1 – 5, San Diego, CA.
Wang, Y.H., R. Turton, K. Semmens and T. Borisova, 2008. Raceway Design and Simulation System (RDSS): An event-based program to simulate the day-to-day operations of multiple-tank raceways. Aquacultural Engineering 39(2008) 59-71.
Chen YC, J. Nguyen, K. Semmens, S. Beamer, and J. Jaczynski. 2008. Effects of dietary alpha-tocopheryl acetate on lipid oxidation and alpha-tocopherol content of omega-3-enhanced farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets. LWT - Food Sci Technol. 41(2008) 244-253.
Viadero, R., A. Rumberg, D. Gray, A. Tierney, and K. Semmens, 2006. Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry in aquaculture research: Raceway and quiescent zone hydrodynamics, Aquacultural Engineering, 34/1 pp 16-25.
Ray A.J., Lewis B.L., Browdy C.L., and J.W. Leffler. 2011. Suspended solids removal to improve Litopenaeus vannamei production in minimal-exchange, superintensive culture systems. Panorama Acuícola 16(3): 8-21.
Bebak-Williams, J., A. Baya, J. C. Huang, and K. Semmens. 2005. Aquatic animal health inspection in West Virginia: Pathogen results, producer feedback and service costs. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 17(3):103-116.
Viadero, R., A. Tierney, and K. Semmens. 2004. "Use of Treated Mine Water for Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Culture – A Production Scale Assessment," Aquacultural Engineering, 31 (2004) 319-336.
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