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Collage 1Fish Collage

w/ Dr. Robert Durborow

WELCOME TO Kentucky State University's Fish Diseases course taught by Dr. Robert Durborow. This Internet course operates on Blackboard. Each class is a video module that you view as often as you wish. Fish Diseases also contains movie clips of diseased fish and pathogens, external links to Internet resources, online tests, discussion boards and other tools for interaction between Dr. Durborow and students, as well as among students.

The Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Fish Diseases is a 3-credit-hour Internet course. Dr. Robert Durborow,, Professor in the Division of Aquaculture at KSU, will teach the course.

The graduate-level Fish Diseases course is intended for students who are completing or already have a bachelor’s (or higher) degree.  During the course, students take four online tests. 

Dr. Robert Durborow
Dr. Robert Durborow

Why take the Fish Diseases Internet course?
An online course is perfect for persons who have limited time, and may not be able to attend class at a particular hour. Also, Web courses provide subject matter that may not be available at a nearby school. Specifically, people working with fish who need to be able to identify and control diseases will find this coure useful. Veterinarians, koi or aquarium hobbyists, and anyone who just needs or wants college credit at the undergraduate or graduate level are welcomed to enroll.

photo of bass

How to Enroll

1. Students are encouraged to contact
Dr. Durborow to discuss course specifics and receive consent for acceptance into the course.

2. Registration for Fish Diseases:
U.S. students should contact the instructor for enrollment information.

B. International students (countries other than U.S.) should receive instructions for registration from Dr. Durborow.
3. Kentucky State University will contact the student about payment arrangements.
Registration is not complete until the student has paid tuition and fees.

4. The instructor will contact each student by e-mail to provide initial course instructions before the course begins. A working e-mail address is required for each student.


photo of bass

Is a textbook required?

No, but the course instructor recommends the DVD, Diseases of Warmwater Fish and Trout Diseases, Durborow, R. M. 2001, that is available from
Dr. Durborow for $20.

Another helpful source is
Fish Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment, Noga, Edward. 2000, Iowa State Press.

photo of bass

Any prerequisites?
Student should receive consent of instructor for acceptance into the course.


Who may take
Fish Diseases?

Anyone who...

* wishes to add a fish disease course into his/her present university curriculum.

* already has a degree in biology or some other area and is interested in fish diseases.

* wants to get credit hours without attending a traditional classroom.


photo of ass

What about tuition and fees?

Tuition - Undergraduate
(AQU 411)  $1,224.00

Tuition - Graduate
(AQU 511) $1,530.00

(Tuition and fees are subject to change.)

Fish Diseases provides an overview of all aspects of
fish diseases.
This course is offered at the undergraduate and graduate levels.


Dr. Durborow,
I wanted to tell you about a job interview I recently had for the Assistant Hatchery Manager position at a cool and warm water hatchery in North Platte, Nebraska.  After the oral interview there was an 8 page test on identifying bacteria, protozoa, treatment of those infestations, and there was a word problem section asking about how many pounds of such a chemical would you treat a pond with given dimension etc...  I tell you this because I nailed the test, and I nailed it because your lectures have been very applicable and very beneficial.  I see now more than ever how beneficial this class is.  Great work.

Matt Wipf
Black Hills State University