Academic Integrity | Grading System | Probation |
Transfer Credits | Repeat Options | Grade Appeals |
Course Loads | Dismissal |
Academic Integrity
The University faculty have the right to expect students to adhere to the principles of academic integrity. These principles require students to present as theirs, only academic work for which they are actually responsible for. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Depending upon the seriousness of the infraction, students found guilty of plagiarizing or cheating will be sanctioned in any of several ways. These range from receiving a failing grade on the assignment, to being assigned a failing grade in the course, to being dismissed from the Program. For a full description of what is considered plagiarism and cheating, refer to the section entitled Academic Offenses in the Kentucky State University Student Handbook.
Candidates for the master’s degree are restricted to a maximum of nine semester credit hours of credit by transfer of work completed at another accredited graduate institution. Official copies of transcripts must be submitted and evaluated before any transfer credit can be accepted. Certain courses submitted for transfer may not be considered equivalent to specified program requirements even though course titles are the same.
The normal load of a graduate student during any semester is nine semester credit hours or equivalent. Under no circumstances may it exceed 15 credit hours or equivalent. Part-time students who are employed full-time are advised to carry no more than six semester credit hours of graduate-level course work in any semester.
The University awards letter grades which are translated into quality points to determine the grade-point-average, or point standing. The system is based neither on an absolute numerical system nor on a distribution curve. Some instructors add a "+" or a "-" to the letter grade to help students understand more accurately their performance; however, such designations are not recorded on student records and do not affect the point standing. The following system of symbols will be used in grading students: A - Excellent. It represents exceptionally high achievement as a result of aptitude, effort, and intellectual initiative. Four quality points per semester credit hour are received. B - Good. It represents a high achievement as a result of ability and effort. Three quality points per semester credit hour are received. C - Average. It represents average achievement. Two quality points per semester credit hour are received. D - Poor. It represents the minimum passing grade (not for courses in which the students must receive a "C" or above). One quality point per semester credit hour is received. F - Failure. It represents failure of a course taken either for a letter grade or on a pass-fail basis. No quality points are received. P - Pass or proficient. It represents a passing grade in a course taken of a pass-fail basis. It is not included in the grade-point average. I - Incomplete. It means that part of the regularly assigned work of the course has not been completed; i.e. the final examination, one major examination, completion of a term paper or class project, or part of the requirements of a laboratory. A grade of "I" may not be assigned as a substitute for "D" or "F". An incomplete earned in any given term (summer session/semester) must be removed by the end of the eighth week of classes during the next regular academic semester; otherwise, the grade of "I" will be automatically changed to a grade of "F". When a grade of "I" is assigned, a detailed description of the work to be completed must be provided by the instructor to the Office of Academic Advising, dean, chairperson, student’s designated advisor, and student. W - Withdrawal. This option can only be entered for students who withdraw prior to the end of the fifth full week of classes during a semester, or the second full week of classes during a summer session. It is not included in the grade-point-average. WP - Withdrawal doing passing work. It is not included in the grade-point-average. WF - Withdrawal doing failing work. It is not included in the grade-point-average. AU - Audit. It is not included in the grade-point average. This grading option must be selected no later than the end of late registration and must be indicated on either the student’s registration or add/drop form. Pass-Fail 1. The pass-fail and audit options are available for students who wish to take graduate courses for their own professional growth or personal interest. Courses taken pass-fail or for audit may not be used as part of the graduate degree requirements. 2. A grade of "P" will be given to indicate satisfactory completion of the examinations and/or experiences eligible for pass-fail credit. When the grade "P" is assigned, it is equivalent to a minimum numerical score of 70%. 3. A grade of "F" will be given to indicate unsatisfactory completion of the examinations and/or experiences eligible for pass-fail credit. The grade "F" is assigned when the numerical grade is below 70%. WP or WF 1. If a student withdraws from a course after the end of the fifth full week of classes during a semester, but before the end of the tenth full week of classes, he/she will receive a grade of "WP" or "WF" in that course. 2. If a student withdraws from a course before one-third of the instructional days have elapsed during a summer session or short course, a grade of "W" will appear on the student’s transcript. 3. If a student withdraws from a course after one-third of the instructional days have elapsed during a summer session or short course but before two-thirds of the instructional days have elapsed, a grade of "WP" or "WF" will appear on the student’s transcript. The grading scale is as follows: More detailed information about student evaluation can be obtained from specific course syllabi. A student’s academic grade record is expressed as a grade-point average computed by multiplying the semester hours of credit for each course by the quality point value of the grade received in the course. These products are added together, and the sum is divided by the total number of semester credit hours attempted.
A student may repeat a graduate course and count the second grade as part of the graduate grade-point-average. This action will be initiated by petition of the student to the Aquaculture Graduate Coordinator and the Division of Mathematics and Sciences, and may be done only once.
When students have completed 12 or more semester credit hours of graduate course work with a grade-point-average of less than 3.0, they will be placed on scholastic probation. Students will have one full-time semester or the equivalent (9 semester credit hours) to remove the scholastic probation by attaining a 3.0 average.
See Section XIII.F. of the University Catalogue.
If probation is not removed, students will be dismissed from the Program. Students who have been dismissed from the Program for this reason may apply for readmission after one semester. Readmitted students will have one full-time semester or the equivalent (9 semester credit hours) to remove the scholastic probation by attaining a 3.0 average. Students placed on scholastic probation are not eligible for assistantships. Enrollment may be terminated for the following reasons: