KSU Aquaculture Courses for Minor
AQU 201: Fisheries for the Educated Consumer (3)
This course is intended as an elective for undergraduate students who have no training in fisheries, but wish to become educated consumers. It will provide a general understanding of fisheries for students unfamiliar with the discipline and will highlight the importance of aquaculture. STEM and sustainability concepts will be combined with the multi-disciplinary nature of fisheries as an applied science. The course will integrate current events and scientific principles associated with fisheries and agriculture to enhance enduring life skills. Online
AQU 407: Fish Genetics (3)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. An overview of fishgenetics including basic principles and methods of selective breeding in aquaculture. Online
AQU 410: Fish Disease Lab (1)
AQU 411: Fish Diseases (3)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Clinical diagnosis of fish diseases; necropsy of diseased fish; and formulation of corrective measures for disease control. (Three hours of lecture, two hours of laboratory per week. Online
AQU 412: Fish Morphology & Physiology (4)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. An overview of fish morphology and physiology with emphasis on comparative and adaptive aspects among Osteichthyes (true bony fish). (Three hours of lecture, two hours of laboratory per week.
AQU 421: Fish Nutrition (3)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Fundamental and applied aspects of fish nutrition including nutrient requirements, nutrient chemistry, ration formulation, and practical feeding will be taught. (Three hours of lecture per week)
AQU 422: Principles of Aquaculture (3)
Introduction to principles underlying aquatic productivity and management with a survey of domestic and foreign cultures of fish and aquatic vertebrates. Online
AQU 427: Fish Reproduction & Spawning Techniques (3)
An overview of basic biology of fish reproduction and techniques of artificial spawning for common aquaculture species. (Online).
AQU 428: Fish Reproduction & Spawning Lab (1)
AQU 451: Survey of Production Methods (3)
Prerequisite: AQU 422 or consent of instructor. An overview of alternative production methods including ponds, cages, net‑pens, raceways, and recirculating systems with application to suitable species. (Online).
AQU 452: Aquaponics (3)
This course will provide an overview of principles and practices of aquaponic production. Students will be introduced to a wide range of topics including fish and plant management, system design, water quality, nutrient dynamics, food safety, and others. The class covers proven technology, current practices, and introduces students to future directions and research in the growing field of aquaponics.
AQU 460: Water Quality Management (3)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. A survey of theory and practice into the understanding and manipulation of the biological, chemical, and physical aspects of water quality in aquaculture production. (Online).
AQU 480: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
This course provides basic instruction in mapping technologies to enable natural resource staff, students, local and state government personnel to enhance their planning and resource management skills.
AQU 491: Internship: Aquaculture (1‑4)
Prerequisite: Consent of advisor. Intensive experience involving practical on‑site participation working at an aquaculture facility (University, state, or private).